Graphic Design and Digital Media Design: What’s the difference?

Graphic design and creative digital media design are two disciplines that may overlap and indeed share many attributes, but they are not the same - not exactly. Graphic design can be traced back as far as primitive cave paintings, but as a field of commercial arts, it was first given its name in 1922 in an essay by William Addison Dwiggins called “New Kind of Printing Calls for New Design

As the name suggests, digital media design is dependent on digital media, and the world of digital arts is a mere fledgling when compared to graphic design. But, digital media design must not be underestimated. It is one of the most powerful and universally practised fields of the 21st century.

But apart from their longevity, what is it that differentiates one from the other?

Graphic Design: A visual means of communication

The goal of graphic design is to convey a message, tell a story and in general, to communicate with an audience. It is a visual means of expression and central to all kinds of branding and identity generation. Graphic design may have an ostensibly straightforward objective, but the art of graphic design encompasses a deep well of skills, talents and mediums.

Digital Media Design: A digital world

There is an array of digital mediums for a media designer and more and more areas of the arts are becoming digitised. Motion graphics, typography, music, video, and social media are all forms of digital media design. These forms of design go beyond the static design aspects of graphic design. It's all about digital storytelling, utilising multiple types of media to engage with people via a digital space.

While both fields provide ample opportunity for creative expression and communication, a graphic designer's strength lies largely in their ability to create a visual narrative in a more static and oftentimes 2 dimensional scope. Digital media design is a wider multi-dimensional space dependent on digital technology. Again, both areas of design will crossover but it is advisable for an aspiring professional to examine their own strengths and interests and decide which route is a better fit for them. Understanding this distinction can help clear away any potential ambiguity or indeed misunderstandings when it comes to approaching these behemoths of the world of design.

So with that in mind, you're probably asking yourself what opportunities can be found in either graphic design or digital media design. There are many, but here are some of the more popular and sometimes, more lucrative areas of expertise.

Graphic Design skills:

  • Logo Design: The production of unique logo and branding materials to help companies to stand out and to connect with their target audience.
  • Web design: The creation of visually appealing digital spaces. This is primarily focused on websites but UI and UX design are also areas graphic designers can move into.
  • Advertisement and Marketing: In this field, graphic designers create promotional materials to advertise products/services or to establish brand identification.
  • Print Design: The creation of visual design features seen in printed publications such as periodicals, books, and brochures, with an emphasis on layout and design hierarchy.

Digital Media Design skills:

  • Social Media Coordinator: Management of social media accounts and networks, development of audience growth strategies, and the creation of promotional campaigns.
  • Digital Marketer: Specialists in digital marketing will use innovative digital media design approaches to generate campaigns and approaches in any number of fields.
  • Content Creator: Creates digital content for personal brands or organisations in order to increase and retain audience engagement.

Some Graphic Design trends to tool up on:.

Minimal vintage, photographic branding, the return of the sans serif, rich jewel colours, distorted and condensed type, liquid gradients, flared fonts, the metaverse, sci-fi logos, and condensed typography are among the key trends.​​​

Digital Media Design trends:

  • Younger generations are pushing change in the media and entertainment industries by emphasising mixed or combined realities. This involves spending more time interacting on social media and playing computer games than in the real world.
  • Streaming video, social networking, music, and gaming are increasingly interwoven, forming a tapestry of digital entertainment. This change indicates a more comprehensive approach to digital encounters.
  • There is a considerable trend toward User-Generated Content (UGC) with platforms providing combinations of customised, interactive, and social video experiences. This is especially true for Millennials and Gen Z, who prefer UGC feeds over standard streaming providers.
  • Gaming is becoming more global and inclusive with balanced story driven games with character customisation drawing equal proportions of male and female gamers.
  • Creators and influencers have a significant impact on customer behaviour and brand perception. Their ability to build trust and engage the community is a prime example of the shifting dynamics of internet advertising and brand-consumer interactions.

Both digital media designers and graphic designers are working in an era of technological advancement that is shaping how people live, work and think. It is therefore incumbent on designers to understand and to embrace technologies such as AI, VR, and AR. These are advancements that need not be feared, rather think of them as new avenues and opportunities to create and to experience design in a whole other dimension. While moving with the times is the only way to sustain any level of contemporary literacy, it is also just as important to respect what has come before. Sustainability and ethical design are not just movements for the virtuous, it is borne from the absolute necessity to take responsibility for the environment.

With the rise of remote collaboration technologies, there is incredible potential for creativity and innovation and it has revolutionised the way designers work, enabling more diverse teams, globally.

In our fast changing digital world, an education in digital media design is must for any aspiring creatives. Our courses are tailored to the requirements of digital design, combining theory with practical, hands-on practice. We provide a cutting-edge curriculum led by industry professionals who have their fingers on the pulse of digital developments. Enrolling in our courses will provide you with not just technical skills, but also the creative and critical thinking required to succeed in digital media design. Whether you want to start a new profession or improve your present one, our courses are your ticket to the fast-paced world of digital media design.

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Written by: Fiona Byrne

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